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Threadcount (2013)


Threadcount is Shopping for Towel's first album, full of soft indie-folk and a blend of grand piano sounds, this burst of creativity is almost as exotic as the Amazon. With tracks like "Shirts off, towels on", "Dry Hands", and "towelw(h)ip", and the chart-topping "Threadcount", this album boosted SFT to immediate stardom. 




"Hailed as a nouveau style of indie death metal beach rock, Shopping for Towels has swept the nation with their new sound. It's unlike anything I've ever heard." -Rolling Stone Magazine

Abzorbe (2016)

After Threadcount's initial success, SFT decided to head back to their roots with deep house synth-beats, playing off of sounds that they recorded in their garage.  This album boasts velvet like vocals and a new 12-minute kazoo solo. Lead percussionist Cooper Gilmore says that this is his favorite album, after the entire La La Land Soundtrack. With hits like "Super Absorb"  and "Better than Bounty", this is a well-loved SFT favorite.

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